Expert Evaluations and Permanent, Affordable Solutions

Foundation Repair Cost

At Ram Jack Chesapeake, we understand that the potential cost of foundation repair is a major concern. That's why we are happy to offer free expert evaluations and permanent, affordable solutions for foundation repair. Many variables can affect the cost of foundation repair and that's why a professional evaluation is essential. Read below to learn more and please contact us today to schedule your on-site evaluation.

Free On-Site Evaluations

Our team of foundation repair experts will conduct a thorough evaluation of your property's foundation to determine the extent of the damage and the best course of action. We use state-of-the-art equipment to measure the level of settlement and determine the root cause of any foundation issues. Our team will then provide you with a detailed report and a customized repair plan.

Affordable Permanent Solutions for Your
Foundation and Basement Problems

We believe in providing permanent, long-lasting solutions that won't break the bank. In turn, we offer a range of foundation repair solutions to fit your budget.No matter what solution is recommended for your situation, you can rest assured that the team at Ram Jack Chesapeake is equipped and eager to provide you with a permanent and affordable foundation repair solution.

Steel Piers

Steel piers are a cost-effective solution for foundation repair that is installed deep into the ground to provide a stable base for your foundation. Steel piers can be used to lift and level your foundation, as well as provide a permanent solution to settling or sinking foundations.

Helical Piers

Helical piers are similar to steel piers but are installed at an angle to provide additional support for your foundation. They are used to lift and level your foundation, also providing a permanent solution to settling or sinking foundations.

Polyurethane Foam Injection

Polyurethane foam injection is a non-invasive and cost-effective solution for foundation repair. The process involves injecting a high-density foam into the soil beneath your foundation, which expands and lifts it back into place. This method can be used to fill voids and lift your foundation, making it a great option for smaller repairs.

Permanent, affordable solutions for foundation repair

When it comes to addressing foundation issues, the chosen repair method, the number of supports required, access limitations, home location, and finishing services all play a significant role in determining the overall cost.

Repair Method

The choice of repair method holds considerable sway over the cost of foundation repairs. Various methods, including Driven Piles and Helical Piles, come with distinct pricing structures per pier or pile. Additionally, the availability, appropriateness for the area, and complexity of the chosen method are factors that can impact the overall cost.

The Varied Nature of Foundation Repairs

It is worth noting that the average cost of foundation repairs can fluctuate considerably based on specific circumstances and the extent of the foundation issues. The type of damage sustained by the foundation, such as cracks, leaks, settling, or bowing walls, as well as the size of the affected area and any additional repairs required, all have an impact on the final cost.

Home Location

The geographical location of the home also exerts influence over the cost of foundation repairs. Soil conditions, local building codes, and regional labor and material costs can vary significantly from one location to another. Consequently, these factors have a bearing on the overall expenses incurred for the repair work.

Number of Supports

To stop further settlement, the installation of steel piles beneath the foundation is critical. The number of steel piles required will be a major determinant of the cost. Each support carries a price tag, and as the number of supports increases, so does the overall expense. The number of supports necessary depends on the extent of the foundation problem and the size of the home. An accurate diagnosis and an expert plan of repair if critical for a proper repair.

Access Limitations

Access limitations surrounding the home can have a substantial impact on the cost of foundation repairs. Should the foundation prove challenging to access due to obstacles or confined spaces, additional labor and equipment might be necessary, resulting in increased costs.

Finishing Services

Once the foundation repair is complete, there may be a need for finishing services, such as cosmetic repairs and restoration work. The cost of these services depends on the scope of work and desired finishes, and they contribute to the overall project cost.

Consulting a Professional

Ram Jack Chesapeake will thoroughly assess your unique situation and furnish you with a detailed cost estimate, taking into account the aforementioned factors. By considering the distinctive characteristics of your home's foundation, Ram Jack Chesapeake can provide accurate information regarding the cost of repairing your foundation.

Remember, addressing foundation issues promptly is of utmost importance to mitigate further damage and potential safety risks. Neglecting foundation problems can lead to more severe issues and escalate repair costs in the long run.

Contact us today to schedule an evaluation

Take the first step toward a safe and stable home or building.

Contact us today to schedule your on-site evaluation and let Ram Jack of Maryland & D.C. help you find the best foundation solutions for your property.

Call Us Schedule A Free Evaluation