Commercial Foundation Repair Services

Ram Jack® offers steel piles that are suitable for a range of construction projects, including single-family homes, multi-unit buildings, historic structures, and large commercial buildings. These piles provide engineers and contractors with reliable and long-lasting foundation repair solutions.

Specifying Ram Jack® Products for Your Project

Helical piles have become a vital component in commercial deep foundation repair due to their versatility and high capacities in tension and compression. To ensure their durability and ability to withstand potential stresses when installed in the ground, Ram Jack designs and manufactures our helical piles according to accepted engineering practices. At Ram Jack, we meticulously review all the details, including mechanical strengths, section properties, and torque ratings of our helical piles to guarantee their performance and reliability.

Ram Jack’s helical anchor technology is highly effective and versatile in almost any situation. Our patented threaded connect method ensures accurate placement every time, making it a preferred choice for engineers. The Ram Jack helical pile system offers many benefits, including:

  • Cleaner installation with no spoils
  • Immediate loading after installation
  • Our torque values are thoroughly tested
  • Can be adapted to almost any foundation
  • No structure for reaction resistance is required.

Ram Jack's ESR-1854 boasts the highest rated piles and brackets on the market, pound-for-pound. All four of our applications have received recognition. It's worth noting that the ICC recognizes more of our products than any other helical pile manufacturer.

Chesapeake Commercial Foundation Repair

Commercial properties, whether it's a retail store, office building, or warehouse, are subject to a high volume of foot traffic, equipment, and weight loads. These factors can cause significant stress for a property's foundation, leading to cracks, bowing, or settling. Should you decide to ignore any commercial property foundation problems, you risk causing further damage, safety hazards, and business disruptions or downtime.

What You Can Expect

At Ram Jack Chesapeake, we know how important your commercial property is, no matter its purpose. That’s why we offer commercial foundation repair and restoration to ensure your property is sound for the long-haul. With over 40 years of experience in the industry, our team is well-equipped to handle any commercial foundation problem you throw our way.

We Use a Four-Step Process to Address Your Commercial Foundation Issues

1 Evaluation

We’ll conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your property to identify any foundation issues, as well as their cause.

2 Analysis

We'll analyze the evaluation data to create a customized repair plan based on your property's specific needs.

3 Repair

Our team will employ top-of-the-line equipment and materials to repair and restore your foundation's stability.

4 Follow-up

We'll conduct a follow-up evaluation to ensure your foundation remains secure.

Our Commercial Foundation Repair Services

Concrete Leveling

Using advanced techniques, we level and stabilize sunken or uneven concrete slabs, preventing tripping hazards and liability issues.

Helical Piers

We use helical piers to lift settling foundations, preventing further structural damage from occurring.

Wall Tiebacks

Our wall tie backs provide lateral support for commercial foundation walls, preventing bowing or cracking.

Deep Drilled Steel Piers

Our steel piers offer long-term support and stabilization for your commercial property's foundation, preventing future damage.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation

As you can see, we're committed to providing exceptional, transparent customer service and repair solutions.

Contact us today to schedule your on-site evaluation and let Ram Jack of Maryland & D.C. help you find the best foundation solutions for your property.

Call Us Schedule A Free Evaluation